Managers' Meetings

This page contains information on regional NMR Managers' Meetings in Canada.

Ontario Meetings (NMRX)

The NMRX Managers' Meeting is an informal gathering of NMR facility managers, taking place on the last day of Reading Week at most Ontario Universities. The morning session often (but not always) includes presentations from NMR or NMR-adjacent companies on current topics of interest, while the afternoon session is a sharing of ideas, knowledge, recent experiences, and horror stories over the previous year.


2024: Toronto (Darcy Burns)
2023: Mississauga (Dima Pichugin)
2022: York (Howard Hunter)
2021: McMaster (Bob Berno)
2020: UHN (Geneviève Seabrook)
2019: Scarborough (Tony Adamo)
2018: Western (Mat Willans)
2017: Guelph (Sameer Al-Abdul-Wahid)
2016: Toronto (Darcy Burns)
2015b: McMaster Pre-MOOT Meeting (Bob Berno)
2015: York (Howard Hunter)
2014: Scarborough (Ronald Soong & Tony Adamo)
2013: McMaster (Bob Berno)
2012: Guelph (Valerie Robertson)
2011: UHN (Geneviève Seabrook)

Quebec Meetings

More information about the Quebec meeting will be posted soon.


2024: TBA